Encouraging Integration of Beauty Education, Martha Tilaar Academy Collaborates with Jakarta State University


Last Thursday, January 16 2025, the Martha Tilaar Academy signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University (UNJ). This collaboration was signed by Pinkan Engelien Tilaar, as Head of Academy Martha Tilaar, and Prof. Dr. Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati, S.Si., Apt., M.Si, as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University.

Martha Tilaar Academy is a beauty education institution under the auspices of the Pena HART Foundation from the Martha Tilaar Group, which has officially received a Decree from LL DIKTI Region III Jakarta. This institution is suitable for high school, vocational school and equivalent graduates who are interested and want to formally deepen their knowledge about beauty and make-up through the Beauty Make-up Department.

Through collaboration with UNJ, the Martha Tilaar Academy wants to further strengthen its commitment to contribute to broadening horizons, integrating beauty education with technology, and creating innovations that support the development of the beauty industry in Indonesia. Hopefully this collaboration will be the first step that will have a positive impact on the young generation who are ready to become pioneers in the fields of beauty and technology. For further information, let's follow Instagram @akademimarthatilaar.